A teacher’s lament

I have hung around enough educators to know that a teacher’s lot is not always a happy one. Today’s lament in Isaiah 50:4-9a probably resonates with a few. The teacher here is different, however. It is a collective group – the people of Israel in exile aware of their usurped role as those chosen toContinue reading “A teacher’s lament”

Can good arise from a mess?

I have spent a lot of time with people trying to find their way through chaos. Some situations are just so daunting you wonder if anyone can see a way through to the next step, let alone an exit to clearer space where the air is fresh and the whisper of freedom can be heard. Continue reading “Can good arise from a mess?”

We think we’re in charge…

Sure we have agency for good or ill, wise or foolish. Some will think it a great idea for the Australian government to invest heavily in the military industrial complex and become one of the world’s major exporters of military equipment. As a strategy for long-term economic growth and employment, it is a winner! For thoseContinue reading “We think we’re in charge…”

Advent Voices: Expectant prophet

Incarnation looms near. An expectant mother is amongst others as they make their way along the crowded track to their ancestral town, by order of the census officials. The words of an old oracle from an expectant prophet ring in her ears as the throng plods its weary way. Expectant mother; expectant prophet – theirContinue reading “Advent Voices: Expectant prophet”

Advent Voices – Human Rights Day

  This day’s reminder to respect and uphold universal human rights is more than the left of centre pre-occupation – it is fundamental to maintaining and enhancing our integrity as people. The beatific vision of Isaiah 65:17-25 that rhapsodises new heavens and a new earth, while initiated by YHWH, can be imagined to be addressedContinue reading “Advent Voices – Human Rights Day”

Advent Voices – plain speaking

“For I, YHWH, love justice…” So continues the rest of the oracle in Isaiah 61:8-11. Isaiah’s euphoric response to God’s affirmation assumes a community that is equally responsive, having embraced an equal love for justice tempered with loving-kindness and mercy.  It is infused with the life-giving Spirit that binds all together.  This reality goes far beyond personalContinue reading “Advent Voices – plain speaking”

Advent Voices: a manifesto against our latest law

Isaiah 61:1-7 is repeated in Luke 4 by Jesus when he announces the blueprint of his operations. It is the antithesis of the Immigration Bill allowed by the Australian Senate last Thursday night. It is a strong Advent voice that calls the Australian people to account. It comes not as warning, but as proclamation of theContinue reading “Advent Voices: a manifesto against our latest law”

The one who marches out of step…

… may be the only one who is in step! Isaiah 50:4-9a is one of the so-called Suffering Servant songs. Appropriated by the Early Church to describe the Passion of Jesus, it initially describes the despair and desolation of the people of Israel as they are led off in chains into Babylonian exile.  Suffering the indignityContinue reading “The one who marches out of step…”

Advent Reflection: Joy, anticipated and celebrated

Ever have some odd quirky thing from years ago that sticks in your mind that you can’t get rid of, no matter how hard you try? One of mine is a segment from a Rem and Stimpy cartoon – inevitably triggered when I hear the word “joy”. Perhaps because I have been in so manyContinue reading “Advent Reflection: Joy, anticipated and celebrated”