Reflecting on Postaday2011

Let’s blog on blogging. Day eighty of meeting the WordPress “write a post a day” challenge has so far left me unphased. Sure there are times I’ve had to scratch around a bit to find something to write about, but, even on the deadline, something has usually appeared, even if quite innocuous. Surprisingly, the stats show that these are the posts that receive the most hits. Ironically, the most carefully polished and well argued posts receive little attention. One of my biggest surprises is the daily number of hits continuously received by a reference to a news report on geothermal energy in Perth from December 2009. Some of my more self-indulgent posts, like my recent agonising over whether to get an e-reader are also rating comparatively well.

Blogging gurus have often advised to keep blog themes and subject matter confined to a narrow field of interest in order to gain a dedicated following. I have gone in the opposite direction. This blog is similar to aiming a shotgun at a shed and firing off, hoping that some pellets might hit something. It has been far ranging and diverse – probably inviting one-off readers according to whatever tags are searched. No matter – large audiences are not the only reward of blogging. For me the delight is engaging the act of casting one’s bread upon the waters and waiting for whatever returns.

This is a minor blog in the crowded blogosphere, and it has nevertheless led to some interesting connections and conversations from places in the world that would otherwise have remained rather obscure to me. Wisdom has come from unexpected quarters and this is reward enough in itself.

So will I make it through with a daily post to December 31, 2011?

Let’s see what happens tomorrow.

Published by wonderingpilgrim

Not really retired but reshaped and reshaping. Now a pilgrim at large ready to engage with what each day brings.

5 thoughts on “Reflecting on Postaday2011

  1. I haven’t been impressed with the suggestions just recently. They’ve almost been once sentence responses – not really great for a blog. “What’s your favourite number and why?” 10, date of birth. Not very inspiring really.
    I’m looking more and more to other sources – and only use the daily post suggestion when I’ve run out of time to post anything else…


  2. It’s possibly a temperament conditioned thing, Ben. I sometimes ask myself why I’m so compulsive about putting something, anything, up each day. I can’t recall, but I am convinced that at the beginning of the year I made a bet with myself that I’d try and be disciplined enough to stick with one effort at self-improvement. Blogging’s easier than maintaining a fitness regime!


  3. “Blogging’s easier than maintaining a fitness regime!” You can say THAT again! Sometimes I have wondered what I am going to write about, as so much of our time is spent waiting, but invariably something happens and I end up having a topic. Sometimes two.


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