Stations of the Resurrection 2: Thomas

Wembley Downs Church of Christ

2: Thomas meets the Risen Christ

John 20:19-31

ThomasJesus invites each one of us, through Thomas,
to touch not only his wounds,
but those wounds in others and in ourselves,
wounds that can make us hate others and ourselves
and can be a sign of separation and division.
These wounds will be transformed into a sign of forgiveness
through the love of Jesus
and will bring people together in love.
These wounds reveal that we need each other.
These wounds become the place of mutual compassion,
of indwelling
and of thanksgiving.

We, too, will show our wounds
when we are with him in the kingdom,
revealing our brokenness
and the healing power of Jesus.

– Jean Vanier
Drawn into the Mystery of Jesus through the Gospel of John

For further reflection:

Jesus empowers his followers to “loose and bind” each others faults and wounds.
How does this contribute to our…

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Published by wonderingpilgrim

Not really retired but reshaped and reshaping. Now a pilgrim at large ready to engage with what each day brings.

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