Sweet mystery of wife…

Photo by Craig Shine on Pexels.com

Who is someone who inspires you and why? #Bloganuary Writing Prompt

I’m going to give a shoutout to my wife. I shall defer to her desire to remain in the background by not using her name here – our friends and companions of many years know!

We met when I was a fledgling bachelor minister in my first charge. Our eyes locked on each other the night I was inducted. It took four years for the relationship to deepen beyond minister/parishioner, and it was my pending move to my next charge interstate that hastened our decision to marry.

We are in the forty third year of our marriage and have shared pastoral and community work in circumstances that have been demanding, stressful, challenging and delightful. We have both grown (and continue to grow) in our mutual respect. I once drew a cartoon that attempted to describe our modus operandi. I was hovering in the basket of a hot air balloon, far above the bush canopy, chasing dreams and visions. My beloved was on the ground, firmly holding the rope to which my blimp was tethered, keeping the whole thing grounded. Such is her practical common sense, devotion and utter trust and trustworthiness. I would be lost without her.

Published by wonderingpilgrim

Not really retired but reshaped and reshaping. Now a pilgrim at large ready to engage with what each day brings.

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