
Dennis & Jenny June 2018

In another place, this blog was described as “the ruminations of a perambulent and distracted sojourner.” I have often frustrated fellow pilgrims because I do not see things in black or white, or even shades of grey. Like the universe and even my computer pixelation, there are millions of colours and tints and hues, and that’s how I often see things. Can you get a straight answer from me? Yes – but it may take me a while to get there – after all Myers-Briggs tells me I am an INFJ, and the Enneagram pilgrimage has me occupying the contrary space of six!

An updated bio – I have “repositioned” (an alternative word to “retired”) following four and a half decades of ordained ministry with Churches of Christ in Australia. I live with my wife in Ashby, a liminal suburb/ semi-rural zone in the north of Perth. Having now stepped onto the beach-head of these more leisurely years, I see myself acting as a minister at large, serving where I’m called and continuing to offer my services as a spiritual director.

I dabble in reading, painting, computers, cinema, bushwalking and a number of other pastimes that sometimes distract me, but often help me focus on my main task of recognising where Christ is present in those with whom I travel through this life.

My exemplars in faith beyond those I have met in flesh and blood include Thomas Merton, Richard Rohr, Francis of Assissi, Benedict of Nursa, Theresa of Avila, Aiden of Lindisfarne, Thomas & Alexander Campbell, and Barton Stone. My affinity with the Celtic saints may have something to do with family roots scattered throughout Cornwall and Northumberland. Yes, there are also bits of Yorkshire, Sussex, Portugal and Germany!

17 thoughts on “About

  1. thanks for the link and great to make the connection. very interesting bio. i was in New Zealand this past Apr/May but didn’t have a chance to hop over to Australia.

    there aren’t too many folks out there with a spiritual affinity for both Rohr and Barton Stone, but i know there are at least two πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Well Pilgrim, to know the cycle of the year and to be able to count days and nights and to know the future, a mind born of a sphearical Earth needs to do what our forefathers did as they paced an Image of Creation on virgin land so as to make peace between the mind and a strange place, –to orient itself, to know ones Christ.
    All through history life was played out in front of a starry background. Stars became essential for understanding any tale, as is evident by Celtic explorers who travelld up here by star, moon and sunlight to contemplate in the presence of the almighty.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Petur, generations of urbanisation have removed many of my ilk a long way from their ancestral roots, necessitating lengthy inner journeys of discovery and spiritual recovery. Throughout my life, Christ has been my polar star, leading me with confidence beyond the safety of dogmatic walls that would obstruct. The freedom of the journey continues to be rich and fulfilling – all experiences and understandings filtered through the “mind of Christ”. I resonate with your reflection on the Celtic explorers who seemed to integrate their disciplines so well.


  4. Hello Wondering Pilgrim.
    I thought I would interest you in my new posting on WordPress titled:
    The Image of Creation inside St Peters, Rome

    It is amazing to see with what great care proportions were woven into tapestry of symbols in that magnificent building.


  5. Thanks, Lorraine, for visiting. They tell me INFJs are a rare breed so it is always good to meet another, and a Sandgroper as well! Just took a quick peek at your blog and have bookmarked it to read more thoroughly a little later – it looks intriguing.


  6. Hello Pilgrim and fellow INFJ mind, Something you said over on Teamoyeniyi’s blog immediately grabbed my attention. it was, “Abiding dissatisfaction is an ally until common human decency wins.” That statement seemed unusualy wise so I became curious. As it seemed to touch upon my own heart and attitude.

    Also a big fan of Francis of Assissi and his story. Though Im not too familier with the others you mention.


  7. Hi lifewith4cats – great to hear from you. We’ll soon have enough folk here to start INFJs Anonymous! I enjoyed looking at the cats that surround your life. As a previous cat accommodator I appreciate the interactions. I found “our” cat, though affectionate, never deigned to leave us with the impression that we “owned” him. Neither would we allow him the illusion that he “owned” us. The psychological stand-offs were something to behold at times.


  8. We are a small congregation in Mutare Zimbabwe looking for partners in spreading the message of the cross.

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  9. I never cease to be humbled and heartened by links with small congregations reaching outwards and inwards across the world. So Hobhouse Church in Mutare Zimbabwe here is a hand of fellowship from one who is part of a small Church of Christ congregation in Wembley Downs Western Australia. I’ve just returned from South Australia tracing the route of my great great grandparents from Cornwall in 1840 to the copper mines in South Australia and finding out about the very harsh life they had and the strong faith and fellowship which kept them upright and walking along the road of life!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hi, Certainly have entered the arena of well read and great intellectuals here, very refreshing. I don’t qualify, but I attain too to having the mind of Christ. Love the simple science talk too, probably because I love the book of Job and the Psalms, in fact all of the Bible. But to just prove a point – what is an INFP ?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Carol, this may come through twice, as cyberspace just ate my original reply and no telling where it will cough it up. Basically, you are indeed in good company wherever you carry the mind of Christ which is open, warm, compassionate and wise. The alphabet soup sprinkled through the conversations here refer to a popular personality typing instrument often used in recruiting and self-development programs and theoretically based on the work of Carl Jung. For a simple overview, visit http://www.16personalities.com/personality-types. You can even have a go at discovering your own possible four letters!


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