Getting kitted out

I’m currently pulling Ephesians 6:10-20 apart in readiness for Sunday’s harangue. It’s one of those extremely visual passages with ready made images from my Sunday School days – the Roman soldier kitted out in battle gear. The Sunday School message was quite evident in suitably modified moral protection terms. Wear the armour that will protect you from unwise choices! Given the universal and cosmic dimensions of Ephesians, however, I see the metaphor dealing with deeper and darker themes. Rather than being tacked on to the preceding behaviour codes as a kind of codicil, this martial picture brings us full circle to the opening. There are practical implications for living out the tensions of the universal vision arising from the cosmic victory of Christ’s reign. The kaleiodoscopic picture of Church triumphant and Church militant merging in and out of each other comes to me. I wonder how helpful and relevant these terms are in today’s context. In Christendom, they presented winning and comforting images to people. In the so-called post-Christian era, however, some other metaphors may be more helpful. We’ll see what my Wednesday night group does with all this!

Published by wonderingpilgrim

Not really retired but reshaped and reshaping. Now a pilgrim at large ready to engage with what each day brings.

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